Isaac’s bedtime story – Thomas saves the day

Story time is without doubt my favourite part of my Isaac based day. I love watching his little eyes light up as I turn each page and the way he quickly tries to look at each and every image on the page all at the same time. It’s not only because I know I’m going to get some ‘me time’, it’s also because I know how much he loves story time!


This bedtime we read: Thomas saves the day – It came as a book box set with a cuddly Thomas toy. 

I usually steer clear of interactive books for bedtime because he gets far too giddy. Tonight he asked for choo choo though… who am I to say no? I want to send him to bed a happy boy. It’s a decent size book, not too long but not a “oh is that it?” situation. Me & Isaac prefer the shorter stories as Isaac loses interest after a while if it overstays it welcome.

This book has the 3 sound button images presented throughout the pages which prompts you to press the one at that point in the book. Two of the sounds being trains tooting and the other is a catchy little tune which Isaac loves. I let Isaac press the buttons when I told him to and told him which to press, which is really pushing my no interactive books rule but there you go! 😉

I cannot fault this one on anything, such a lovely little read and perfect for a little boy with a growing fascination with trains. Thumbs up from mummy!

& in the end It turns out I was so wrong with the interactive books …he was straight to sleep all the same as any other book. So in future all rules out the window at story time.. ANY BOOK GO’S. (some limits do apply haha).


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